The Neighborhood Comedy Theatre‘s hilarious, spontaneous and interactive improv comedy show is similar in style to “Whose Line is it Anyway.” NCT’s high energy comedy shows are never the same twice because they are all based on audience suggestions.
The mission of Neighborhood Comedy Theatre is to entertain our community, to create endless opportunities for laughter, and to cultivate creativity, collaboration and hilariousness without fear of failure.
The Neighbohood Comey Theatre Values Positivity, Integrity, Creativity, Community, Inclusion, Fun, Ingenuity, Daring, Courage, Commitment, Wit, Imagination, Connection, Adventure, Enthusiasm, Participation and an Attitude of Yes, And!
NCT’s Main Street Comedy Show will make you laugh out loud! The hilarious cast and crew of the Neighborhood Comedy Theatre come together with the brightest and most exciting voices of Main Street Arizona in a comedy show that can’t be missed! Stories are provided by amazing local awesome folk comedy provided by your favorite NCT Improvisers!
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday August 5th
Thursday August 19th
Thursday September 2nd
Thursday September 16th
Buy your tickets HERE!
Reservations are required. Seating is limited. Masks are required except while seated actively eating or drinking. Audience members are asked to stay distant in common areas and avoid gathering in places like concessions & near restrooms.
Stay home if you are sick, easy reschedule or refund options available.
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Date: Thursday August 5th, Thursday August 19th, Thursday September 2nd, Thursday September 16th
Time: 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Price: $15
Phone: 602-374-5638
E-mail: [email protected]