Over the Rainbow Movie Night (Weekly LGBTQ+ Movie Night)

Brick Road Coffee presents Weekly LGBTQ+ Movie Night!

Head over to Brick Road Coffee for popcorn and a flick every Friday night this summer through July 1st. Celebrating classic and popular LGBTQ+ cinema, the curated line-up includes comedies, documentaries and more.

Meet at 6:30 p.m. to grab a drink, socialize and butter your popcorn. House lights dim at 7 p.m. for the show!

Can you guess what movies they will be playing?

6/10: 🚗 👸 💃 👯‍♀️
6/17: 👠
6/24: 🚌💃👯‍♀️
7/1: 🗓🗓🗓

Come to the Brick Road Coffee and find out!


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Time: Meet at 6:30 p.m. to grab a drink, socialize and butter your popcorn. House lights dim at 7 p.m. for the show!
Price: FREE
Phone: +14805907246

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