Come to the Desert Botanical Garden this Saturday and bring your four legged best friend!
Dog Days return in 2021. Enjoy a “pawsitively” perfect morning stroll through the Garden. You and your pup will have a tail-wagging good time exploring the beauty and sniffs of the trails. Please BYOB (bring your own bowl) to fill at water refill stations.

If you already have plans for this Saturday, you can enjoy a special time with your dog at the Garden on June 12th, 19th or 26th.
The Garden Shop welcomes dogs during your visit. Dogs are not permitted in Gertrude’s Restaurant.
The Patio Café will open at 8 a.m. offering a light menu to enjoy.
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For the health and safety of guests and dogs, please note the following:
- Please BYOB (bring your own bowl) to fill at Hydration Stations located at 5 points throughout the Garden.
- Please bring waste bags and clean up after your dog.
- Dogs must be on leash, licensed, and up-to-date on vaccinations.
- Owners must maintain control of their dogs at all times.
- Any dogs deemed to be aggressive to humans or other dogs will be asked to leave the Garden.
- Watch those noses and paws! Be alert to cactus pieces and other debris on the trails and do not allow dogs to wander off trail.
- Be aware of your dog’s limits and monitor your pet for signs of heat stress.
When photographing your pet, please keep dog leashed and out of Garden plant beds.
Tips to Keep your dog safe this spring:
- Don’t leave your pets in a parked car | Just don’t do it, not even for a minute. When it’s 72 degrees outside, the temperature in your car can get up to 116 degrees within an hour.
- Limit exercise on hot days | On hot days, limit exercise to the early morning or evening hours. This can be a good way to avoid burning your dog’s paws on the hot asphalt. You should also walk your dog on the grass whenever possible.
- Watch those paws | Much like human feet, dogs’ footpads can burn on concrete, especially during an Arizona summer. The best rule of them is that if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them. Use the back of your hand or bottom of your foot to test the ground, especially around midday. Dog booties and socks can help protect against the hot ground.
- Provide ample shade and water | Trees and tarps will give you plenty of shade without obstructing air flow. A doghouse, however, might make things worse. When it’s especially hot outside, add ice to the water whenever possible.
- Look for signs of heat stress | Heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid pulse, a staggering gait, vomiting or a deep red or purple tongue are signs that your pet is overheated.
Here’s what to do if your pet is suffering from heatstroke:
- Move your pet into the shade or an air-conditioned area. Apply ice packs or cold towels to their head, neck and chest or run cool (not cold) water over them. Let them drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes. Take them directly to a veterinarian.
- Watch the humidity | When the monsoon rolls around in June, remember that humidity can affect your pet as well as heat. Because animals pant to cool off, they may be unable to cool themselves if the humidity is too high.
- Don’t rely on a fan | Fans don’t cool off pets as effectively as they do people because they respond differently to heat.
Date: Saturday, June 5th
Time: 7 – 10 a.m.
Phone: +14809411225
Price: Included with Admission | Dogs Admitted Free with Owners
E-mail: [email protected]
See you there!